A downloadable game for Windows

A submission for the GMTK Game Jam 2024

Theme: "Built to Scale"

Concept: A bullet hell where you have to choose between mobility and size. The larger you are, the faster to move, but you'll find it harder to dodge bullets

Code: https://github.com/E314c/gmtk-2024-entry

Game Info:
- Keyboard and controller support
- Only limited "waves" of programmed enemies
  - then a infinite "randomly spawned enemies"
- Scoring is currently only survival time
  - originally I had scores for killing enemies, but then that broke at one point whilst changing how enemy spawns are handled

Some notable context:
- This is my first "non-tutorial following" game build
  - so much of my time was spent learning and figuring things out, rather than being able to create load of features
  - My main focus was just to actually submit something that was "playable"
- made in Godot 4.2
- There's a scrapped shield idea in the code
  - the idea was that it was a way to implement health and make you consider shrinking yourself to stay within your shield (which would shrink as it was hit)
  - it was disabled because it was hard to make it visually obvious when you were within the shield range.

Next things I would want to do if I have more time:
- Add art assets
  - needs a background and character sprite
- Add background music
  - I want to do something DnB/Jungle
- Make a Boss enemy
- Simplify creation of new enemy variants
  - Currently the 2 enemies are declared completely independently, but really should be extensions of a base enemy node/script
- Actually design something that requires you to scale down
  - I was thinking either having lasers or other screen hazards that would temporarily force you into a smaller size, or maybe have some other bonus for being small, like faster shooting speed or more damaging bullets.

Edit 1: The entry was disqualified because it wouldn't run. I didn't realise I needed to also upload the `.pcs` file from my Godot export, so it was unplayable at the time. Ah well ....

Edit 2: I've just found out there's a setting to embed the PCK data into the .exe, so I've exported the game with that. Next time I'll do that from the begining!


BuiltToScale.exe 67 MB

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